Thursday, November 1, 2012

Teachers help teachers

I hope that this post finds you all well, dry, safe, and happy. I know that many teachers, in my own state and farther north, were adversely affected by Hurricane Sandy.

When I returned to school this morning myself, I found that part of my classroom ceiling had fallen in, and some of my own books and materials were soaked and ruined. While the damage was minimal, and I have managed to dry some items out, it really got me to thinking about the many teachers out there who may have lost everything.

With that in mind, I am working to put together some resources to send to teachers in the affected areas. While we cannot replace everything that they lost, we certainly can help them get back on their feet by giving what we have.

If you are a teacher affected by Hurricane Sandy, please click the button below to fill out the form requesting help.

How can I help?
If you are a teacher or have a store on TpT or TN, then please consider donating some of your products or materials to a teacher in need! If you are interested, please click the "teachers helping teachers" button below and fill out the requested information.Teachers of all grade levels are welcome and encouraged to participate! I will send out an e-mail when it is time to send in your donated product, and I will handle separating the products into grade-level bundles for distribution and distributing to schools and teachers in need. Donations close Tuesday, November 13, 2012.

Join in!
  1. Click the "Teachers help Teachers" button below and fill your information into the form.
  2. If you have a blog, blog about this and add the button below to your post, and link it to this blogpost. (this can be done by copying the image and inserting it into your post, then copying the link location and linking the picture). If you don't have a blog but still wish to donate and share, then pintrest, Facebook and Twitter about it!
  3. Join the linky party below and link to your blog post (if you have a blog) or your TpT store if you do not have a blog.

Helping teachers affected by Hurricane Sandy!

1. A Turn to Learn  55. Learning 4 Keeps  
2. Miss Martin's Classroom  56. Thinking Out Loud  
3. Tracee Orman @HungerGamesLessons  57. Practice Makes (almost) Perfect  
4. Brenda Martin  58. Teaching in Progress  
5. MissMathDork  59. Charlotte's Clips  
6. ELA Seminars  60. Sarah Tharpe Winchell  
7. A Day in the Life of a Kindergartner  61. PurplePanda  
8. Mrs. D's Firsties  62. Bex Mawn  
9. Adventures In Teaching  63. Making It As A Middle School Teacher  
10. All Free Teacher Resources  64. Mrs. Payton's Precious Kindergarteners  
11. Lovin' Kindergarten with Mrs. Lindsey  65. Teaching Mrs. T  
12. Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings  66. Oh, How Pintearesting!  
13. Miss. Whimsy  67. The Science Penguin  
14. Life in Special Education  68. Fun in Second Grade  
15. Dragon's Den Curriculum  69. Primary Inspiration  
16. Blair Turner  70. Top Teacher  
17. Tanya Rae...  71. Teaching Maths with Meaning  
18. The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs  72. Ann@Hippity Hop  
19. Addie Education -Teacher Talk  73. TheHappyTeacher  
20. MrHughes  74. Teacher Mom of 3  
21. The Teaching Bank  75. Teacher Life in Room 102  
22. Teacher's Toolkit  76. Tales from a 4th (And 5th) Grade Teacher  
23. Spedventures  77. Diamond Mom's Treasury  
24. In That Room... Adventures in Second Grade  78. Primary Possibilities  
25. Teachable Moments  79. Middle School Matters Blog  
26. Miss Galvin Learns  80. Positively Learning  
27. Tania Poultney  81. Fun in 1st Grade  
28. JD's Rockin' Readers  82. First Grade a la Carte  
29. Growing Firsties  83. 2 Brainy Apples  
30. The Speech Ladies  84. The Wise Owl Teacher  
31. Carrie's Speech Corner  85. Erica Bohrer's First Grade  
32. To The Square Inch  86. Richi Reynolds  
33. Let's Talk Speech Therapy  87. Reading Toward the Stars!  
34. The Peanut Gallery  88. Sparkling in Third Grade  
35. Let's Talk Speech-Language Pathology  89. Creative Lesson Cafe  
36. The Dog Days of Third Grade  90. Kyp McLaren  
37. Math Coach's Corner  91. The Picture Book Teacher's Edition  
38. Third Grade All Stars  92. Kindergarten Squared  
39. Lisa Frase  93. Educator Helper Beth Hammett  
40. Learning Piwi style  94. Jennifer P. Underwood  
41. Life on the Fourth Floor  95. CarrberryCreations  
42. Right Down the Middle- Andrea M Bentley  96. A Series of 3rd Grade Events  
43. Taming My Flock of Firsties  97. The LIbrary Patch  
44. Laura Love to Teach  98. Kinderkay - Love Those Kinders!  
45. Creative Classroom (Michelle Walker)  99. Little Literacy Learners  
46. Classroom Fun  100. Third Grade Thinkers  
47. Ladybug in Kindergarten  101. Literacy Sundae  
48. 4mulaFun (4th-8th)  102. Jennifer Drake  
49. Using My Teacher Voice  103. Barbara Muller  
50. The Lightbulb Lab  104. Angela Watson @ The Cornerstone For Teachers  
51. Marcy Fambro  105. Savvy in Second  
52. Lovin' Kindergarten with Mrs. Lindsey  106. Teacher Treasure Hunter  
53. Mrs. O'Donnell's Room  107. Thematic Teacher  
54. Fun in ECSE  108. Kaylee's Education Studio  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

What if I do not have a TpT store?
At this point, I have had multiple teachers express interest in holding drives at their school to send hard goods to teachers in need. If you are interested in this, please fill out the form by clicking the link above. I am setting up an "adoption program" where I will put teachers who have hard goods to donate in contact with teachers who request assistance using the "I need help" form. The teachers who request assistance through the form and are "adopted" by teachers will also receive the digital goods appropriate to their grade level/subject area.

Thanks so much for thinking about our colleagues in need!


  1. So sorry about your classroom! I love this idea. Thank you so much for setting it up.

    1. Thanks, Jessica! For the most part, my classroom is fine, but I am worried about those teachers whose classrooms aren't! Thanks for participating!

  2. Wonderful idea!
    So sweet of you to think of others even while you are cleaning up the mess in your own classroom:)

    Teaching in Progress

  3. What a great idea, Laurah! I am honored to be a part of it! I hope your room is okay and that you have not lost too many materials yourself.

  4. This is a wonderful idea! Thankfully my area of PA wasn't hit too badly. Thinking of those of you who were not as fortunate!

  5. I am so happy that you are doing this. I donated 2 products, blogged about it, and linked up above. I wish there was more that I could do! If there is, please let me know!

    You can contact me at
    (just click the "Email Me" tab at the top of the page!)

  6. I am glad to be a part of this! Thank you!

  7. So happy I saw this.. I just donated three products, but if you need more or a teacher sees something they really like, just let me know.. I'll donate anything I can, and I really wish I had money to donate as well...
    XOXO God bless you!

  8. My daughter lives up there (in the Bronx). She says the entire city is a big mess right now. I'd be happy to donate teaching materials. For others who read this, please keep them in your hearts and in your minds. Help if you can. Michele

  9. Laura,

    I do not have a TPT store as I offer everything I create for free on my blog. Please feel free to pass on my blog to anyone who might need help. I teach Grade 3 (and 4 in the past).
    Thinking of Teaching

  10. What an awesome thing you have taken on! I know this will mean a great deal to the affected teachers when school resumes.

    Making It As A Middle School Teacher

  11. What a great idea! I am so happy to be able to help others!

  12. Your efforts are so amazing and inspiring... helping those in need, when you were affected by the storm as well. I have donated items, linked up, and shared on FB and Pinterest. Together, we are strong! Blessings to you! Lauren Teacher Mom of 3

  13. Thank you for doing is very inspiring. I will blog about it today for you. I have donated some items and would be happy to donate more if you need. I don't have much in my TpT store yet as I'm new to this but have tons of books I'd be willing to mail. Just let me know.

    Stephanie Ann
    Sparkling in Third Grade

  14. I am so happy to be able to help out by donating items for this great cause! What a wonderful thing you are doing for those in need! You are an inspiration! Thanks!

    Creative Lesson Cafe

  15. Thanks for letting us help in some small way. You are a big hearted lady for thinking of others when you find yourself in the midst of devastation!

  16. Laurah, I have sent the files and linked up on my blog. Thank you for letting me help. It just feels good to be able to do something.
    Richi Reynolds
    Ribbons, Recipes and Rhymes

  17. Thank you for this wonderful idea! I am grateful for the opportunity to help out!

  18. Laurah,
    Thank you for heading up this campaign which allows teachers from all over the country and the world to help our fellow teachers out in a time of need. You are awesome!
    Patti :)
    A Series of 3rd Grade Events

  19. Laurah,
    I think what you are doing is amazing. Please let me know if I can help you in any other way!
    ❤Mrs. McKown
    Little Literacy Learners

  20. What a fabulous idea. I belong to a group of international independent app developers and we have also started a donation program. And I belong to an artist group who has done likewise. It is amazing how we all come together at these times. I have books to donate. I don't yet have my TPT store set up and have just started pulling together my old (35 years' worth) materials and ideas to clean up.

  21. I can't thank you enough for offering to do this. I know it is a tremendous amount of work.

    I wanted to also let everyone know about Lucy Calkin's Literacy Lifeboats Initiative to help rebuild literacy-rich classrooms after the storm:

  22. I live in Maine and have recently left the teaching profession. I am a special education teacher and have thousands of dollars worth of teacher resources, games, etc. plus a huge library of books. All of my resources have been sitting in a climate controlled storage unit and I have been trying to figure out what to do with them.

    Due to the recent hurricane I realized that the efforts are always about backpacks for the kids and while that is important people have no idea how much money it will take teachers personally to replace their own teaching supplies. I would like to donate these to the right school or teacher group or whatever. I would really prefer these things go to the teachers and not belong to the school. I could rent a truck and bring it all down if someone has a place where they could then have teachers come and take what they want. We here have a place called Ruths Reusables that is a place where only teachers can go for free and get books and supplies and furniture etc. I think a place in New Jersey called Tools for Schools is a similar place, but cannot figure out how to contact them. If there are any other places like this down that way I would be happy to donate it all there.

    Any information or guidance would be very much appreciated. Please email me at dunkindog@hotmailcom or call me. 207-721-9212. Laura Marcoux

  23. This is a wonderful idea and I am more than happy to donate items from my store. I do have one question first, though. Will the teachers have access to printers and paper to create the items we donate?

    1. Hi Sandy, thanks for your interest, but donations closed on Tuesday, November 13th. Everything has already been bundled and transmitted to the appropriate educational organizations for distribution.

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